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Spelen / Maileg / Happy camper tent, Mouse
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Happy camper tent, Mouse

11-5400-00 / Maileg

Aantal op voorraad 12

€ 35,70

€ 42,00

Nu Voor

€ 35,70

Koop meer en bespaar !

Merk: Maileg
Artikelnummer fabrikant: 11-5400-00


Take your mice for a sleepover in the fold-up tent. The wooden sticks can hold the tent door up and give shelter from the rain. The outer fabric has a coated surface for a more authentic look. Remember to ask them to bring their sleeping bags.

Height: 18.00cm, Width: 22.00cm, Depth: 16.00cm, Net weight: 0.11kg

Primary Material: Cotton/Linen/Pu

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